There are millions out there who have a cut off or estranged experience of family, but so few people talk about it for fear of judgement or exclusion. 

You’re Hurting, They’re Hurting. You need answers.

Talking about the toughest parts of family life can be challenging, but facing these issues is crucial for creating a better future.

‘Are No Contact with your Family? Are you in need of support? 

So often the media portrays family estrangement as an impulsive response to a one-off argument. In nearly every case, you’ve tried to get your ideas across, to no avail. The decision to detach is sad, painful and laboured over. You may be battling guilt, shame and fear and feeling alone once the decision is made. Or you may battle with the helplessness and anger of being misunderstood.

Many times, an adult child may feel emotionally safer on their own than in any sort of relationship with a (disapproving) parent or family member.

Are you a Parent of a detached Adult Child? Are you at a loss?

There is a stigma that exists when going no (or minimal) contact with family members that can keep you stuck in emotional extremes. If your Adult Child has gone no (or minimal) contact, you’re feeling rejected. You may be at a loss as to what you did or could have done to prevent this. Are you open to trying something new?

Estrangement is often cloaked in secrecy and shame. With support, healing is possible, and a family can rebuild. What truly matters is how well you address issues.

I know how challenging it can be to reach out and ask for help, which is why I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation. No commitment necessary. I want to get to know you and make sure I am the best fit for you!

In my office, you can slow down; and we will find the strengths of your family system. Through strengths and understanding, we can navigate challenges and have a good chance of rediscovering joy and rebuilding.

It’s not about being a “perfect” parent – it’s about the quality of repair.

For those in California, I’m offer groups that address these struggles with others who are navigating the same difficulties, both for Adult Children and for Parents of Adult Children. Please email me at if you would like me to add you to the waitlist.

Families are often our closest connections, but that doesn’t mean these relationships are always easy. Whether it’s clashing personalities, miscommunications, or unresolved past hurts, navigating family dynamics can be challenging. No family is perfect! And at times, those we love the most can also be the ones we struggle with the most. Yet, these relationships are also opportunities for growth, understanding, and finding deeper connections, as long as we are willing to acknowledge the difficulties and work through them with patience and compassion.

So much of the key to growth is self-love, and learning to choose the right people to love. We can only truly receive love and respect from others when we open up our hearts and love ourselves.  

Many times, an adult child may feel emotionally safer on their own than in any sort of relationship with a (disapproving) parent or family member.

Ultimately, this impacts extended family, friendships, and future generations by causing painful confrontations or cold disconnects.

In times of crisis and hurt, seeing or being in touch with those closest to us can bring up sadness and pain.

It’s not about being a “perfect” parent – it’s all about the quality of repair.

Imbalances move into homes for different reasons. We are constantly adapting to new patterns or trying to control directions, hoping for greater motivation, or looking for the next stable paycheck.

In my office, you can slow down; and we will find the strengths of your family system. Through strengths and understanding, we can navigate challenges and have a good chance of rediscovering joy and rebuilding a strong sense of home and life.