Break Free from Guilt: Reclaim Your Joy and Emotional Freedom

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You take on so many different roles that you find yourself bending every which way to fit into everyone else’s expectations of you?  

  • You find yourself constantly running on empty.

  • You cringe at confrontation disapproval, or judgment, making it difficult to speak up.

  • You’ve been losing your temper with those closest to you, alternately feeling irritated and just plain drained.

  • You give and give, and you wonder who is showing up for you?

  • You prioritize others' needs over your own and go along with things out of concern about rocking the boat

  • You struggle to say no, feeling uneasy if someone doesn’t like you or when you can’t seem to make others happy.

  • Now you’ve become caught in a cycle of exhaustion and resentment and back-pedaling to repair perceived damage done. These dynamics deeply impact you and your family.

Do you often feel insecure and dependent on approval from others?

Often, as a daughter you were stuck carrying the burden of your mother’s needs and expectations  from a very young age. This blurring of boundaries may have resulted in little distinction between her needs and yours. You’ve reached a point where you’re tired of feeling guilty and inadequate, or like you’re a failure if you don't follow along, You’re ready to find out who you are free from external expectations.

Over time, this can lead to anxiety, emotional distance, and a breakdown in communication, leaving you feeling disconnected from both yourself and your family. Recognizing and addressing these patterns is the first step toward healthier, more balanced relationships. 

You carry stresses that nobody else sees. You may excel at communication, they don't always have the space to process or even acknowledge life's challenges. Whether you've been to therapy before and want to delve deeper, or this is your first time seeking support, I provide a safe, supportive space where you can better understand your own needs and embrace your authentic self in every aspect of your life. 

Hyperfocus on others’ well-being may be the result of  generational beliefs and expectations, reinforced by societal norms. If you're ready to stop shrinking yourself for the comfort of others, set healthier boundaries, and prioritize your own well-being, I'm here to help.